Donna Cunningham has made a niche for
herself in Pluto astrology (including
recovery work and sexuality) and the Moon
and its special effects! Well, what's not
to love about the moon? "Moon
Signs" really is a charming and
special book. As an additional bonus, it
crosses over nicely into the ritual area
and can be of great value to Natural
Magicians, Wiccans and others who need to
be very tuned in to the moon and it
cycles. The book is geared toward a
general audience, though, and there are
user-friendly tables and references that
will help you find out what sign your own
astrological Moon is in. Armed with this
valuable information, you can then join
the astrological "crowd" in
finding out such things as emotional
compatability, the meaning of the moon
through the houses and things like that.
The book also explores the moon's daily,
and monthly path through the heavens. My
favorite part of the book is the lists of
affirmations appropriate for new and full
moons in all 12 signs of the zodiac. I
often call on thse affirmations for my
own Moon Rituals, I find them so cogent
and handy. The lunar approach of this
book is a refreshing balance to the
majority of solar texts on the
astorlogical shelves in the bookstore and
in my own personal library. It
contributes very much just by being a
"different" approach and it has
a real charm to it besides. This is a
good book to add to your collection.